Framed Print

Surrounded by elegant and handsome frames that have genuine wood styling, framed canvas prints are printed single-sided in full color and high resolution on our 15 mil white semi-gloss polyester / cotton canvas. Unlike standard wood frames, they are constructed of an eco-friendly, recycled polystyrene material. Also lighter weight than real wood frames, polystyrene frames are considerably more durable in a wide range of climates making them an ideal gallery hanging system for art displays.

Substrate:  15 mil White Semi-Gloss Polyester / Cotton Canvas
Color:  Printed Full Color: Single Sided
Frame Colors:  Wood

Framed prints require a 1" safety margin on all sides. Please keep all critical elements, including text and images, at least 1" away from edges.
Be sure to check out more art displays from Sharper Printing to find the right gallery hanging system.

Job Specifications

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